This book tells what life was like 75-100 years ago (without electricity, refrigeration, TV, or running water). It is about Cattle Ranching and Indian Trading. It is the story of my life growing up in Thoreau, McGaffey, Ramah, Bluewater, Grants, Gallup, Datil and on the Navajo Reservation. It even tells what it was like to be a Scientist in Los Alamos, NM for 35 years. It is the story of the Jeff Tietjen and Edna Berryhill families and concludes with stories of some outlaws (not all of them) connected to the family in some way.
It is 200 pages long, in paperback, and, if you buy it from him, it is $15 ($20 from Amazon).
If you want a copy, contact him at garytietjen1@msn.com. If you live in Los Alamos, you can get one from Leah Tietjen. If you live in Ramah, you can get one from Jerry Tietjen. If you live in Grants, get one from Ina Hoffman.